Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a type of depression that can occur after giving birth. It is a common condition that can affect up to one in nine women after giving birth. It is a serious condition that can affect women of all backgrounds and can occur anytime within the first year after giving birth. It is…

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Connection before Correction

Are you struggling with disciplining your child? Does it feel like nothing is working to change your child’s behavior? Frustrated in parenting? At Hope Counseling Pittsburgh, our counseling team is here for you. We are able to support you in your efforts to parent your child well. Connection before correction” is a parenting principle that…

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Benefits of Premarital Counseling

Attention all Bride and Grooms to Be! The counseling team at Hope Counseling Pittsburgh is here to support and celebrate your decision to get married. Premarital counseling is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage by discussing and addressing potential issues that may arise in the relationship. It can be beneficial for…

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5 Questions to Ask Before You Get Married

Though the world around us may tell us otherwise, marriage is no light decision. It can be easy to get caught up in the emotion of it all and lose our minds through the dating process. We daydream about wedded bliss, a joyous celebration and the romance of feeling loved unconditionally by someone. These are…

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Common Misconceptions About Trauma

misconceptions about trauma

By definition from the American Psychological Association, trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event (APA, n.d.). After traumatic events, shock, denial, and other long-term reactions can impact a person’s life considerably. Additionally, trauma can look different for everyone and can come in numerous forms. For example, a person in their mid-twenties that was…

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The Pandemic, School and Your Anxious Child

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many kids were sent home from school and resumed classes through online learning platforms. During the initial phases of the pandemic, 1.6 billion children and adolescents were affected by school closures worldwide. As the country has slowly worked to return to normalcy, many kids are entering the classroom this August for…

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Digital Detox

digital detox

We love our technology! Despite this, it can have harmful and devastating effects to both adults and children. With this in mind, I would like to suggest for individuals and their families to participate in a Digital Detox. Statistics reveal that the average child spends up to six hours of their day in front of…

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Steps to Forgiveness

Steps to Forgiveness

Conflicts, misunderstandings, and pain are part of living in a sinful world, but how we respond to hurt is our decision. How do you forgive someone who has shown you hatred, abuse, or neglect when revenge and justice for the wrong doings is desired? Forgiveness does not mean that you will forget the offense. Forgiveness…

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To Forgive or Not Forgive?

Have you experienced painful words that have cut to your very soul? Words from a family member may be ringing in your ears and mind like, “You’re a nobody. You will never amount to anything. You’re just like your …” Maybe, you have been betrayed, abused, or neglected. The hurt is real. Researchers have discovered…

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Everybody Deals With Anxiety

EVERYBODY HAS IT Everybody deals with anxiety. Everybody! Some of us are better at coping or hiding it, some of us deal with higher levels than others, but everybody experiences it. So, if you’ve been feeling like you’re crazy because you’re constantly struggling with anxiety, you can stop being anxious about how anxious you are…it’s a…

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