Everybody Deals With Anxiety


Everybody deals with anxiety. Everybody! Some of us are better at coping or hiding it, some of us deal with higher levels than others, but everybody experiences it. So, if you’ve been feeling like you’re crazy because you’re constantly struggling with anxiety, you can stop being anxious about how anxious you are…it’s a normal thing.

And the reason I can so confidently declare that everybody has anxiety is because God hard-wired this mental state into our human brains. You see, anxiety is actually one of your brain’s greatest tools for self-preservation. It keeps you alive. Anxiety was designed as a response to a threat of some sort. For example, if you were walking through the woods and suddenly came across a gigantic grizzly bear you would experience a sudden jolt of anxiety. Your brain would send all sorts of signals to your body telling you it’s time to either fight for survival or run like crazy. Your body tenses, your heart-rate and breathing increases, and you’re ready to do whatever it takes to survive. God built this tool into our brains so that we could escape danger and keep ourselves safe. It’s actually a gift from God to the human race. The problem many of us experience in our modern society is that this tool in our brains has been hijacked. Now, the “threats” that trigger our anxiety are on social media, they’re in the classroom, they’re at home, or at work. A lot of the time they actually exist only in our minds. We imagine a threat, and our brain and body respond as if we’re in actual danger. For some of us, we can’t seem to snap out of it and we feel like we’re facing one of those gigantic bears all the time.But, is there anything we can do about this? Is there anything we can do to take this natural part of our brains and get it under control?

The Bible provides key truths about anxiety and fear. 1 Peter 5:7 states that we are to “Cast all our anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” 
If you feel like your anxiety is truly getting the better of you, here at Hope Counseling Pittsburgh, we can teach you some really practical and simple ways to overcome this part of your brain when it gets out of control.