Connection before Correction

Are you struggling with disciplining your child? Does it feel like nothing is working to change your child’s behavior? Frustrated in parenting? At Hope Counseling Pittsburgh, our counseling team is here for you. We are able to support you in your efforts to parent your child well.

Connection before correction” is a parenting principle that emphasizes the importance of establishing a strong connection with your child before correcting their behavior. This principle recognizes that children are more likely to respond positively to guidance and discipline when they feel loved, supported, and understood.

The idea behind “connection before correction” is that children are more likely to comply with rules and boundaries when they have a positive relationship with their parents. When children feel valued and respected, they are more likely to cooperate and to want to please their parents.

There are several ways parents can establish and maintain a strong connection with their child:

  • Spend quality time together: Make an effort to spend one-on-one time with your child doing activities that they enjoy. This will help build a bond between you and your child and show them that you value their interests.
  • Listen to your child: Make sure to actively listen to your child when they are speaking to you. This means putting down your phone or other distractions and giving them your full attention. This will help your child feel heard and understood.
  • Show empathy: When your child is upset or angry, try to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective. This will help your child feel validated and understood, which can strengthen your bond.
  • Practice positive reinforcement: Instead of always pointing out what your child is doing wrong, make sure to also acknowledge and praise their positive behaviors. This will help build their self-esteem and show them that you notice and appreciate their efforts.

Once a strong connection has been established, parents can then focus on correcting their child’s behavior when necessary. Here are some tips for implementing discipline with the “connection before correction” approach:

  • Use positive language: Instead of using negative language to correct your child’s behavior, try to reframe it in a positive way. For example, instead of saying “stop running,” say “let’s walk slowly.”
  • Be consistent: Children thrive on routine and consistency. Make sure that your expectations are clear and that you follow through with consequences when necessary.
  • Use natural consequences: Whenever possible, let the consequences of your child’s behavior be the natural outcome. For example, if your child refuses to wear a jacket on a cold day, let them feel the natural consequence of feeling cold.
  • Be respectful: Even when correcting your child’s behavior, it’s important to treat them with respect and dignity. Avoid using harsh or demeaning language, and make sure to always show them love and support.

In summary, “connection before correction” is a parenting principle that emphasizes the importance of building a strong relationship with your child before focusing on correcting their behavior. By prioritizing connection and positive reinforcement, parents can create a loving and supportive environment that fosters positive behavior and healthy development.

If you desire to parent from a “Connection before Correction” framework and would like additional support, please give us a call at Hope Counseling Pittsburgh for an in person or tele-health appointment. We are conveniently located in Wexford, PA and may be reached at 724-987-2993.